Friday, March 1, 2013

Dynamic Cervix Update

the round area on the far left is the top of the babys head.
In the middle there is a gap in between the grey which is the
open part of the cervix, after that is the closed part of the
cervix which is what is being measured and coming up short
I'm not sure if i mentioned in my last post or not but I was diagnosed with a "dynamic cervix". For those of you who don't know this means that my cervix is abnormally short which puts me at high risk for preterm labor because your cervix shortens just before you go into labor.

I had my follow up doctors appointment yesterday where I had my FFN test and another trans-vaginal ultrasound to see if my cervix has changed lengths in the last week. It went down to 9mm at it's shortest which is shorter than the week before, but its not really any more alarming than the one before.

Since it didn't get any better I am now effectively on bed rest. No sex, I cant spend too much out of my day standing or walking around, I cant do anything that makes me strain my lower body (no large bowel movements or excessive coughing) or anything else that puts pressure on my cervix or causes it to temporarily open.

Preterm labor honestly scares the shit out of me. Hopefully, I can keep her cooking until shes full term but I've accepted the fact that she may come early. If she does, I would really like her to stay in there just one more month (putting her at 34 weeks)

(Note: the graph and the ultrasound are not mine, I got them both from google to explain a little further what I was saying, I claim no rights to either of them.)

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