Tuesday, May 14, 2013

40 week photos

Baby Countdown!

One day I will get to write a blog without the apology for not writing as much as I should. Today is obviously not that day. I really need to get my shit together! -C

     As of today I am 41 weeks pregnant. Still no baby but not for lack of trying. I'm sure shes just comfortable in there and doesn't want to come out. However, I really want her to come out. I want to meet my daughter and I really want my body back. I would KILL for a RedBull right now!

Last week at my 40 week doctor appointment, I got checked and I was at 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. The doctor tried to set up an induction date then and I asked him to wait another week just to see if she could come on her own. I know that at times induction is necessary and nothing to be ashamed of but I really wanted her to come on her own terms. Also, I wanted to attempt a non medicated birth, and with pitocin and whatever else they use to progress labor, I know the contractions will more than likely be too intense for me to deal with on my own. I just REALLY didn't want an epidural. Mostly for my fear of needles. Also because the use of an epidural or pitocin can increase the chances of needing a C-Section and I REALLY do not want that.

Anyways, the doctor agreed to wait another week and I spent that entire week trying to get her out. At this appointment I was hoping to be further along with dilation so that I at least I had the hope of avoiding induction however, I'm still at 2cm. The lack of progress is a little upsetting but I'll get over it once I see my daughter. They sent in my paperwork to request induction and by 10am tomorrow I should know when I need to go into the hospital. My doctor wants me to be induced ASAP so either tomorrow(5/15) or Thursday(5/16) is when I will have my baby. I'm really thinking that they are going to send me in tomorrow evening. I'm not sure why, its just a gut feeling. However, most of those have been wrong lately.

The important part is, my next post I will be introducing you to my daughter and I am so excited to do so! I can't wait for everyone to meet her! I'm sure you will all love her as much as I already do.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things!

I really am the worst blogger in the world.
I love blogging, I just lack the motivation or the creativity it takes to run a successful one.
It's been over a month since my last post, how sad! -C

As of tomorrow (Tuesday April 23, 2013) I will be 38 weeks pregnant. I thought I would enjoy the idea of being full term but in all honesty, its just annoying. All I want is to meet my little girl. I'm trying basic natural induction methods and nothing seems to work. It really is just frustrating. Currently, I'm not so much anxious or nervous as I am ready to get the hard part done and over with. (however, that could change with one hormonal moodswing!)  I just want my baby.

However, there is also a part of me that just wants her to take her time! I still need more time to get everything in order before she arrives. Will I ever be ready? My husband still hasn't gotten a job out here. Not for lack of trying, there just really is no place hiring in this town at this time of year. We have money saved up, but that is going just as quickly as it came. He is working on getting in shape to join the Army, he's losing weight at a good pace but I'm anxious. I need the feeling of stability again. I do NOT want to be relying on my parents again. This is my family and my responsibility  Sometimes I feel as if I am already screwing things up.

Everything else is going well. Rylee is healthy and ready to go, all that needs to be done is wait. Since I'm full term, I am no longer on bed rest! Yay! Physically, we have everything ready for her, all newborn essentials (and a surprising arsenal of diapers) are set up and ready! This little girl has more newborn to 3mo. clothes, than I have clothes in my entire closet. She should be wearing a new outfit every day from what it looks like!

I have my 38 week doctor appointment later today (It's 12am) and hopefully I get checked because I didnt last week and I am very curious about if I'm progressing any. I feel as if I'm not and its driving me insane.

Anyways, I dont feel the need to bore you with my rambling any longer.
Enjoy photo updates from the past few weeks!

37 weeks 4 Days

36 weeks

Monday, March 4, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

30 Weeks: 10 More To Go!! (Hopefully)

As of Tuesday the 26th of February I am 30 weeks pregnant!!!

This was taken at 29 weeks and 4 days.
Today I am 30 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I am super happy to get to this pregnancy milestone.

As of this week, I have only gained 6lbs during my pregnancy which is still just barely within the normal range and has not been a concern to any of my doctors.

My most recent symptoms include;
  • Random bouts of nausea.
  • Slightly swollen feet.
  • Swollen/painful breasts and nipples
  • Leaking colostrum
  • Leg cramps
  • Heartburn
  • Gas
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • All over back pain
  • and the appearance of Braxton Hicks
One of my new maternity tops.
(Taken at 29 weeks 5 days)
At my last doctors appointment last week I was measuring at 32 weeks! Shes head down and ready to go and hasn't flipped at all in the last few weeks. I know she could still flip at any time but its nice to know that in case anything happens, she is currently in the right position!

She weighs in at around 3+ lbs now and is starting to shed her lanugo. Shes gaining fat as well as energy and still kicks and shoves her way around quite a bit. All of her organs are fully formed and besides a little bit of fine tuning, all she has left to do now is gain fat. If she was born today she has the ability to grasp my finger!

The past few weeks I got some cute new maternity tops as well as our first big baby buys, her stroller and her car seat!! I'm super excited to be starting to get prepared for her. We haven't really bought much of anything else because we are waiting until after the baby shower (April 14th!!) to see what else we need to get. Hopefully she makes it to my baby shower!

Dynamic Cervix Update

the round area on the far left is the top of the babys head.
In the middle there is a gap in between the grey which is the
open part of the cervix, after that is the closed part of the
cervix which is what is being measured and coming up short
I'm not sure if i mentioned in my last post or not but I was diagnosed with a "dynamic cervix". For those of you who don't know this means that my cervix is abnormally short which puts me at high risk for preterm labor because your cervix shortens just before you go into labor.

I had my follow up doctors appointment yesterday where I had my FFN test and another trans-vaginal ultrasound to see if my cervix has changed lengths in the last week. It went down to 9mm at it's shortest which is shorter than the week before, but its not really any more alarming than the one before.

Since it didn't get any better I am now effectively on bed rest. No sex, I cant spend too much out of my day standing or walking around, I cant do anything that makes me strain my lower body (no large bowel movements or excessive coughing) or anything else that puts pressure on my cervix or causes it to temporarily open.

Preterm labor honestly scares the shit out of me. Hopefully, I can keep her cooking until shes full term but I've accepted the fact that she may come early. If she does, I would really like her to stay in there just one more month (putting her at 34 weeks)

(Note: the graph and the ultrasound are not mine, I got them both from google to explain a little further what I was saying, I claim no rights to either of them.)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Possibility of Preterm Labor.

Me and hubby went in this morning for a routine ultrasound. It was great, I always enjoy seeing my daughter move and squirm around in my belly. Its a wonderful experience and I love the excitement of getting them. They for sure are the most exciting Dr visits anyone will ever have.

Since this was our first ultrasound at this OB, we got a free DVD as well as some awesome 3D photographs for her photo album I'm putting together.

Towards the end of the ultrasound, the ultrasound tech started talking about my cervix, I couldn't really understand him very well, he has a very thick accent and I cant quite pinpoint where he's from. All I understood was cervix and something about a vaginal ultrasound. Needless to say, he decided to take a closer look at my cervix through a trans-vaginal ultrasound.

Once he was done with that he told me that he wanted me to see my doctor today. I was so nervous, it took everything I had not to cry when we were sitting in the waiting room waiting for my doctor to see us. When we finally got into the exam room my doctor explained that when I wasn't opening my cervix, it was really small. Somehow this means that I am high risk for preterm labor. They sent me to see another doctor that deals with the cervix and he explained everything and told me that when we were done there I had to go to the hospital to get a steroid shot to strengthen Rylee's lungs in case of preterm labor. (I'm only 29weeks and 2 days at this point). I also have to go back to the hospital tomorrow to get a second round of shots and I have another doctor appointment and ultrasound next week to see if there is any change in my cervix. Hopefully everythings back to normal.

I'm glad it wasn't as much of a scare as I thought it was going to be but I don't like the idea of my baby getting here any earlier than she needs to be. I'm not on bed rest. I just need to drink A LOT of water and not do any strenuous activity (including large poops :p)

Steroid shots are a pain in the ass!